To give you a before, here is 6 weeks:
And then 8 weeks:
And now 14:
Other tidbits:
Feeling: I'm still feeling very good. I would say almost all signs of nausea are gone. I'm still a little tired, but nothing too significant. I think I even made it through most of our 9 o'clock programs this week. And I was even able to grade after work.
Cravings: I'm not really having any cravings. I'm pretty thirsty and fruit is a godsend, but that's nothing new for me. I think I have convinced myself that cherry hearts and dark chocolate are Baby PR's favorite things, but really I've always loved them. I even found a small pack of the mini-eggs that I usually won't let myself buy until at least March, and convinced myself it was for the baby...but really...who am I kidding!?
Aversions: I'm still not a big fan of cooked veggies and other foods I'm used to eating. I'm still sticking with pretty bland meals and am getting my protein through grains like farro and quinoa and then adding things like edamame or chick peas to them. Normally when I make meals like these, they'd be loaded with butternut squash or cauliflower or broccoli, but I'm having trouble getting anything like that down, so salads are my main veggie source.
How Big is Baby PR?: According to Baby Center, we're in the 2nd trimester and "Your baby's stretching out. From head to bottom, he measures 3 1/2 inches — about the size of a lemon
— and he weighs 1 1/2 ounces. His body's growing faster than his head,
which now sits upon a more distinct neck. By the end of this week, his
arms will have grown to a length that's in proportion to the rest of his
body. (His legs still have some lengthening to do.) He's starting to
develop an ultra-fine, downy covering of hair, called lanugo, all over
his body. Your baby's liver starts making bile this week — a sign that
it's doing its job right — and his spleen starts helping in the
production of red blood cells. Though you can't feel his tiny punches
and kicks yet, your little pugilist's hands and feet (which now measure
about 1/2 inch long) are more flexible and active."
Exercise: Just got home from a spin and treadmill run (snow has kept me off the roads today). Other than that I have done spinning 4 days this week, but no other runs :(. I've been doing push ups and planks almost nightly and plan to keep that up. We have plans tomorrow and I'm coaching with TNT so it doesn't look like I'll get a long run in, unless I can fit in another treadmill run before the Giants game tomorrow night.
Still planning on running/walking the Cheshire Half if at all possible so I'd like to get up to an 8 miler next week. So far longest run since pregnancy has been 7, and it was no problem except for wanting more water than I had (know that for next time)
Run: 3.2 miles
Spin: 5 classes
Anatomy Scan will be on February 24th. Our last day of February break, it will be the first ultrasound that Eric will actually be able to come to. Our work schedules will work great for a baby, but don't work great for doctor's appointments. As of right now, we are planning on finding out what we are having. I have no real guess; one day I'm sure it's a girl the next I'm sure it's a boy. Most people around me say girl, and I haven't really attempted any of those "tests" or old wives tales.
Telling the students: I told my students last Friday, as I was pretty sure they were going to figure it out soon. I asked them to write about their favorite tradition and told them at the end I would share mine. In my tradition I told them about a set of red dishes we received at our wedding shower. These dishes are meant to be used for someone when they have a "red letter day." I told them that we used them when Eric got a new job, when I got my dream job, on birthdays and most recently when we found out that we were having a baby. The kids were so excited. (though most of them had figured it out) I then told them that I would now have 98 new traditions to share with Baby PR (I have 98 students). They all want to know what Baby PR is and are trying to think of names. So cute!
Well, I think that's all I have for this update. If I think of more factoid or categories to add for next time, I'll add them. If you're an avid bump update reader/writer and you think I'm missing something, let me know!
You look fantastic!!! It took me until 20+ weeks before I actually looked pregnant versus enjoying too many cookies/not enough exercise. It was frustrating but at least I was comfortable for the most part. Now, at almost 37 weeks (Thursday!)? Major preggo and major uncomfortable.
ReplyDeleteI'm still exercising...but nothing like I was. I had to stop running due to severe pain in the I'm walking and doing the elliptical instead. Better than nothing, right?